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Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Stanley Durrleman [Correspondant] , Alexandre Routier, Pietro Gori.

Deformetrica is a software which estimates diffeomorphic deformations between sets of geometric objects in 2D and 3D. Those deformations are estimated either for the registration of two of such objects sets or for the construction of an atlas from several of such sets (a template model set and deformations mapping the template model to each set). Geometric objects could be grey-level images, surface meshes, polygonal lines or unstructured point sets. The method relies on the metric on currents for the comparison of point sets and the sum of squared differences for the comparison of images.

The software is written in C++ and relies on the ITK and VTK libraries. It is a command-line software.

The release of the software to the scientific community is planned for 2014.